makeup branding

MWA MWA (moo-wah moo-wah), the sound you make after blowing a kiss goodbye to your old lipstick as you apply our new one. this is a brand that takes a fresh and playful approach to an industry that is dominated by old beauty standards.

the brand is marketed towards gen z and uses a colorful yet warming palette as well as funky icons for each of it’s shades. unique lipstick shades are offered as well as making sure the sources of those ingredients and its effects on the environment are minimal in this state of climate emergency.

featured are promotional stickers, advertisements, package designs for the featured colors, and early concepts

children’s weather app

a multifaceted learning and engagement app that seeks to help children understand weather patterns as well as having the ability to be immersed in new languages and global geography. fun facts are generated as one “travels” to a new country to observe its weather. an interactive dressing up section is also available to help children learn how to dress accordingly. the name “dobar dan” comes from the bosnian saying meaning “good day” to help insinuate that a day of learning is always a good day no matter the weather!

cook book

a 2 page recipe spread showcasing international dishes in a truly unique and delectable way. each dish will feature an illustrated fun fact as well as one of a kind hnad rendered type. the country of origin, pronunciation, prep time and serving size will all be showcased too